Lego Creator Lunar Lander.

To recreate the moon landing, I tried to avoid conspiracy theories and focus solely on the facts. I examined the NASA photo archive and determined for visuals that the lunar surface composition was very closely similar to that of mortar cement based upon the fineness and color of the material. It was also in tune with the scale of the Lego subject matter and seemed like a perfect fit for recreating a lunar surface. I then shifted to lighting a small table covered in cement. I used a single fresnel positioned high above at an angle to generate the iconic and recognizable harsh shadows seen in the official NASA photography. The finished work simulated the actual images extremely closely. The color of the cement looks authentic to that of the actual moon. Pair that with the dramatic, harsh lighting, and the final images look as if they were taken back in the 1960’s. This was a true pleasure to plan and shoot, and I hope I am able to return to the moon to shoot more!